
I can still remember the morning - the crispness to the air, grandma's pancakes still warm in my belly and the anticipation I felt as we loaded into the truck for our trip out into the pastures - but the thing I remember most is the exhilaration of walking up on my first whitetail buck.

We all remember that moment - the excitement and thrill of your first hunt.  Whether you were five years old riding along with your parents, or 45 just learning to hunt with friends, a First Hunt makes memories that last a lifetime.

This site is dedicated to the sport of hunting - a sport that generations have passed on since the beginning, and through time honored traditions, strong held beliefs and careful practiced methods, will be passed on to the generations that follow.  As we, the sportsmen of today, take the time to celebrate the little steps - the first deer of a child, the first bear of an accomplished deer hunter, or the first duck by a brand new hunter, we continue those traditions and ensure that our children and their children will continue to practice and enjoy the sport we love.  

As you hunt, and you embark on a new adventure taking a new species of game, hunt in a new area of the country, or use a new method to harvest your game, we encourage you to share your First Hunt.  

We celebrate the hunt and we cherish the memories made along the way

FirstHunt.com is brought to you by Outdoor Interactive LLC - dedicated to preservation of our outdoor traditions and the generational continuance of the outdoor sports.